Strategic Initiatives

2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan Draft

Oct 15, 2024 | 2:43 pm

Give feedback on the new plan draft through October 31.

Spokes and seat of multiple bicycles - the image is in different shades of blue

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is in the process of updating the Campus Bicycle Master Plan. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as the revised plan will serve as the framework for future improvements to the campus bicycle network and programming.

To offer input,  download the final draft of 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan. Use the bookmarks embedded in this document for easier navigation.

With the feedback form, you can make up to five general comments for different chapters and five comments on infrastructure improvement projects (Implementation Chapter) listed in the plan. If you have more general or infrastructure-based comments, please submit this form again. The form will be available until Thursday, October 31, 2024. 

Following are the page numbers for various chapters for your ease:

  1. Executive Summary – Page 9
  2. Chapter 1. Introduction – Page 10 to 18
  3. Chapter 2. Planning Process – Page 19 to 23
  4. Chapter 3. Existing Conditions – Page 24 to 33
  5. Chapter 4. Goals and Objectives – Page 34 to 40
  6. Chapter 5. Network – Page 41 to 44
  7. Chapter 6. Implementation – Page 45 to 86
  8. Chapter 7. Additional Considerations – Page 87 to 97
  9. Chapter 8. Conclusion – Page 98
  10. Appendix – Page 99 to 122

All entries from this public input will be added on to the final document. For questions, please email

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Transportation Demand Management

Transportation demand managment represents and coordinates all campus modes of transportation with an emphasis on safety and sustainability. The department works cooperatively with a number of university and regional partners to integrate multiple transportation modes.

Biker and MTD bus on Goodwin Ave.