F&S Organization

Car Pool Rental Rate Adjustment

Dec 12, 2023 | 2:55 pm

F&S will implement new Car Pool rental rates in January.

SUV available for rental at the Car Pool

Effective Tuesday, January 2, 2024, the F&S Transportation & Building Services (TBS) division will implement new Car Pool rental rates. Because of significant auto industry cost escalations and increased expenses for existing fleet maintenance, rates will be adjusted by approximately 30 percent. The updated information for specific car, truck, and van types is available at

This rate change is necessary to help TBS maintain quality service for the over 200 available cars and trucks in the F&S rental fleet, which enables more than 5,000 trips scheduled annually. Wholesale fuel price variations will continue to be offset through a surcharge. The surcharge, presently two cents per mile, will be reviewed monthly and revised as necessary, including decreasing the amount should prices drop.

Thanks for your ongoing support of the Car Pool. TBS is committed to providing superior customer service and competitive pricing to meet your travel needs for university business. For questions or assistance, contact Neil Franzen, 217-333-2890.

Monday–Friday (6:30 a.m.–9 p.m.)
Saturday–Sunday (6 a.m.–1 p.m.) 

Use the my.FS Portalcall 217-333-3910, or visit in person at 1701 S. Oak Street.

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