Strategic Initiatives

A Safe Campus Is a Great Campus

Feb 20, 2025 | 3:54 pm 

A new campuswide safety communication campaign shows incredible examples of how others are showing that "Safe Work Is Great Work"

F&S is a proud partner along with the Division of Research Safety in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation (OVCRI) on a campuswide communication campaign that strives to strengthen the safety culture across the Urbana campus.

The goals of the Be Smart, Stay Safe are to raise awareness of basic safety guidelines and practices; strengthen the campus safety culture by encouraging everyone to take responsibility, speak up, and be proactive; and make it easier for people to access safety staff and find resources.

The entire campus community encouraged to participate by sharing photos and captions on social media, submitting story ideas on the campaign website, and taking the safety pledge or seeing what’s available in the online merch store to support team members who support safety leadership.

Remember, safety does look good on everybody!


Safe Work is great work!
Brenda Houy is responsible for the Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Maintenance Program at the U. of I.



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The Service Office processes service requests, outages, and utility locates for the campus. The Service Office receives more than 190 work requests per day and averages 10 outage requests and 15 locates per day.

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