Help Protect Facilities and Equipment During Cold Temperatures
Jan 12, 2024 | 5:29 pm
Freezing temperatures are forecasted for Champaign-Urbana beginning Saturday night

Because of the bitterly cold temperatures expected to begin Saturday night through the middle of next week, please take immediate action to protect building systems and equipment and conserve energy wherever possible. The National Weather Service is forecasting wind chills of 10 to 20 below zero during this period.
All individual or group efforts made in offices, classrooms, laboratories, and shared work areas can help the university avoid unexpected repairs and reduce energy demand in response to extreme winter weather. Use the following tips in your spaces to help safeguard the campus.
Keep it closed!
Close the following items to protect facility equipment and systems:
- Outside windows and doors
- Interior or connecting doors to building vestibules or entryways
- Fume hood sashes when not in use
Turn it off!
If practical, shut off, shut down, sleep mode, or unplug the following:
- Lights
- Computers
- Monitors
- Printers
- Chargers
- Appliances
- Canopy Hoods
- Autoclaves
- Snorkels
- Other nonessential equipment
Change the settings!
Consider taking additional energy reduction actions in laboratories and with research equipment by optimizing the settings whenever feasible, like:
- Equipment on timers
- Microscopy, MRI machines, and other specialty equipment
- Walk-in and ultra-low freezers and coolers
- Drying ovens, incubators, vacuum pumps, growth chambers
Contact the F&S Energy Management Control Center, 217-244-3783, immediately regarding any recurring hot/cold issues in campus facilities. Regular service requests should be directed to the F&S Service Office on the my.FS Portal by a departmental contact. In a critical situation requiring urgent action (e.g., water leaks) or any problem regarding an elevator or gas odor, call the Service Office at 217-333-0340. After 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and on weekends and designated campus holidays, calls will be transferred to the Division of Public Safety dispatch.
Thank you for staying watchful and doing what you can to help care for and winterize university facilities and infrastructure over the next several days.
Ehab Kamarah, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director, Facilities & Services