Campus Pavement Conditions and Repairs Following Freezing/Thawing
Feb 08, 2024 | 11:51 am
F&S will perform initial maintenance on potholes formed this winter.

F&S is monitoring campus pavement conditions for immediate repairs following the beginning of the annual winter freeze-thaw. To fill potholes that have developed on university-owned streets, bicycle lanes, and pathways, crews will use a cold patch mixture and then apply direct heating to help the material adhere to the pavement.
Potholes are formed when cracks in the surface allow moisture to breach paved areas. The freezing and thawing cycle causes the asphalt or concrete to weaken and eventually break because of the pressure from consistent traffic. Cold patch is a temporary solution for these compromised pavements; the process involves the following:
- Blowing out any loose dust or debris from the hole.
- Spraying on a sealant or bonding agent that makes the new material adhere better.
- Filling the hole with the cold patch (a mixture of sand, rock, and tar).
- Utilizing precise heating to aid bonding.
- Tamping down the cold patch.
In addition to this initial, proactive maintenance, F&S will utilize a hot-mix trailer and rollers to apply new asphalt to affected locations later this spring and summer. This upgrade work with a preheated mix must be completed during periods with higher temperatures and drier weather patterns. Several capital street improvement projects, including comprehensive pavement resurfacing, are also planned following Commencement, timed to minimize any potential inconveniences to the campus community. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) department staff are presently evaluating which segments will be addressed this year based on the current pavement condition index prioritization and available resources.
To report potholes within university jurisdictional areas, contact the F&S Service Office , 217-333-0340, or TDM Depending on the exact location, a street may be the responsibility of another entity:
- The City of Champaign asks people to report potholes between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Call the Operations Division at 217-403-4700.
- City of Urbana potholes can be reported to the Public Works Department at 217-384-0200.
- The Village of Savoy Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining public infrastructure and facilities, 217-359-0655.
- For Champaign County Highways, please contact the County Highway Department at 217-384-3800.
- To report a pothole on a state highway or interstate, call 1-800-452-IDOT (4368).
Thanks for your continued cooperation while traveling through and near construction zones. Please remain patient and reduce speed around crews performing this and other related work on the Urbana campus.