Strategic Initiatives

Summer Bicycle Roundup

May 30, 2024 | 8:53 am

All abandoned bikes left on campus will be removed in June.

Summer Bicycle Roundup - Remove the organge sticker by June 15 to avoid impound. More information is at

Each summer, F&S and the Parking Department identify and collect unwanted bicycles on campus after the end of the spring semester. Last year, almost 250 bicycles were retrieved during the annual roundup.

All bikes left on university property at the start of June will be tagged with an orange sticker that reads, “Remove this tag by 6/15/24, or your bicycle will be removed.” Any bicycle still displaying the sticker after that date will be impounded. If you presently have a bike in a campus rack, shelter, or parking location, please remember to remove this sticker to ensure your bike is designated as active.

Starting this fall, those who want to reclaim their bicycles will be charged a $40 fee. All recovered bicycles must also be registered before being returned.

If you no longer want your bike, you are strongly encouraged to donate it to the Campus Bike Center or the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign before the pickup process starts. Taking this simple step helps save hours of staff and volunteer time that can be spent instead on efforts to expand bike programs, plan upcoming engagement events, and improve bicycle outreach within the campus community.

Related Providers

Transportation Demand Management

Transportation demand managment represents and coordinates all campus modes of transportation with an emphasis on safety and sustainability. The department works cooperatively with a number of university and regional partners to integrate multiple transportation modes.

Biker and MTD bus on Goodwin Ave.