
Energy Alerts

Energy Alert

F&S issues Energy Alert messaging to the Urbana campus whenever a peak load is anticipated or urgent conditions arise.

The amount of energy the university consumes during the highest rate of demand on our regional electric grid helps to determine the campus’ annual utility rate. This peak traditionally occurs sometime in either July or August between 2 and 6 p.m.

Although Abbott Power Plant generates approximately half of the campus’ electricity, the remainder is purchased from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO) grid. Reducing our energy consumption during the peak reduces the capacity charge MISO assesses campus for the coming year.

Here are a few simple things you can do to help conserve energy

Light Switch

Turn off lights when possible. While the energy savings differ depending on the type of light being used, a simple guideline is to turn off lights when an area will remain unused for more than 15 minutes. 
Exterior Windows
Close outside windows and doors in conditioned areas. Ensure windows and doors remain closed when leaving for extended periods. 
Unplug power outlets
Unplug devices when not in use. Even when not in use, appliances and chargers continue to draw small amounts of electricity when plugged into the wall. Unplug non-essential equipment when not in use and turn off equipment at the end of the day. 
Power off computers
Shut down computers, monitors, and printers when not in use or use an energy-efficient sleep mode. The U.S. Department of Energy suggests turning off monitors when not in use for more than 20 minutes and CPUs when not in use for more than 2 hours. 
Window AC units
Turn off window AC units when possible, especially when leaving a room. 
Fume Hood SashesClose fume hood sashes when not in use to prevent conditioned air from escaping the building. Over 1700 fume hoods across campus can waste significant heating and cooling if left open. 
Notify the Service Office
Notify the F&S Energy Management Control Center if you have a temperature-related question at or 244-3783. 

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Utilities & Energy Services

Utilities & Energy Services (UES) is continuously upgrading to provide safe, reliable, environmentally compliant, cost-effective energy and other utilities to support campus.

Tour group at Abbott Power Plant

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