Voucher System
F&S recently enhanced its voucher system to give customers additional information about their charges. You may access the new voucher system in the my.FS Portal at http://my.fs.illinois.edu.
After you log in, click on ‘Voucher’ on the left side tab near the bottom. The voucher screen allows you to search for financial data by the following criteria.
- Banner Document Reference Number
- Fiscal Year
- Account
- Building
- Customer Reference Number
- Work Order
- Reservation/Lease Number
- Vehicle Asset
Note: The Banner Document Reference # is NOT the same as the Banner Document # which begins with ‘AM’.
We apologize for access issues that occurred during this transition period. Please send questions and feedback to fandssupportdesk@illinois.edu. Your input is appreciated and will be used to improve the system in the future.
Exporting Information
Below are instructions for how to query charges and export them into a spreadsheet. Searching by a broad category like the 3-digit ORG code of your department and doing one export is faster than searching for single 6-digit ORG codes and repeating the process.
Click on a blue item to get additional details regarding a specific charge. The process creates a new ‘BIRT’ report which you can print out or close when completed.
For one month:
- Choose the Fiscal Year and Month
- Fill in the 6-digit ORG code (798000), or use the 3-digit ORG code and a percentage symbol as the wildcard, e.g. 798%
- Select “Detail Monthly Statement”
- Click the “AdvancedSearch” button
For a fiscal year: (Sort and filter the Month-Year in Excel):
- Fill in the 6 digit ORG code (798000), or use the 3-digit ORG code and a percentage symbol as the wildcard, e.g. 798%
- Select “Monthly Summary for Fiscal Year”
- Click the “Advanced Search” button
This generates a “BIRT” report. The information included in the “BIRT” report and additional data may be exported into an Excel spreadsheet as instructed below.
Export the data from this screen:
- Choose the “Export Data” icon
- Select the columns you want exported by pressing the right arrow, >, OR select all the columns with the double right arrow, >>.
- Click the “OK” button
4. To open the resulting spreadsheet, select “OK” to Open with Microsoft Excel.