Contractor Services
Contractor Services provides campus clients with a "One Stop" program for using the services of contractors.

Contractors respond to a request for proposal posted on the Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin stating which of the 30 divisions of work they can perform and providing an hourly rate for each trade. You may work directly with the contractor to determine the scope and price of a project or have F&S coordinate the work for you.
You can check out some information on unit responsibility and accountability here. Or, click here to read up on contractor mandatory requirements. Click here for current FY contractors by division of work.
Getting Started – Project Request
The preferred method for requesting Contractor Services is to complete the online request process and let F&S review your project and select an appropriate pre-qualified contractor. All Contractor Services requests are reviewed by Construction Services staff before the building permits are issued. Project details and a scope should be included in the Contractor Services request when it is submitted.
When a specialty contractor is required, Construction Services must work with Campus Purchasing for approval.