
Division of Responsibility (DoR)

Division of Responsibility (DoR) refers to the maintenance responsibilities of Facilities & Services and departments. These responsibilities are outlined in two documents: the Guidelines and an Asset Clarification sheet.

  • The Guideline are a general listing of these responsibilities for all buildings.
    • Division of Responsibility (DoR) Guidelines for CAM policy FO-29. 
    • CAM policy FO-29 Division of Responsibility (“DoR”)
  • An Asset Clarification Sheet (formerly the “Exceptions Sheet”) is a building-specific document which provides more detail of these responsibilities.

The DoR coordinator creates DoRs for new buildings, reviews and updates DoRs for existing buildings, and ensures the Guidelines are consistent and fairly applied across campus.

Accessing DoR Documents

DoR documents are available for the majority of buildings maintained by F&S on the Urbana campus. Access to these documents is restricted and must be authorized by a dean, director or department head with the DoR Access Consent Form.

The dean, director, or department head of a college, unit, or department, or his/her designee should be the Primary Contact on the DoR Access Consent Form. A Primary Contact will be able to grant or remove user access while Secondary Contacts will be able to view DoR documents. Primary and Secondary Contacts must be designated for each building the college, unit, or department occupies.

Completed forms should be returned to the DoR Coordinator.

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Capital Programs

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