
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP)

Energy Conservation Incentive Program

The Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) provides awards to campus buildings which demonstrate the greatest percentage of energy savings over the previous fiscal year. University-owned buildings of 10,000 square feet or more on the Urbana-Champaign campus are automatically entered in the program each year. Previously winning buildings are eligible to win again, and there are often repeat winners.

Buildings compete in one of two categories: occupant action and energy advancement. Four winners are chosen from each category. Occupant Action includes things building users can do themselves to collectively reduce energy use, such as building and operation improvement projects, turning off lights when they leave a room, and other energy efficiency measures. Energy Advancement includes energy conservation improvements to the building itself, such as optimizing heating and air conditioning systems and controls.

FY22 & FY23 winners were honored Wednesday, April 24 at the I Hotel and Conference Center

2023 ECIP Awards

Occupant Action CategoryImprovement PercentageCost Avoidance
1. Florida Avenue Residence Hall28%$234k
Food Service Building (FARH)51%$163k
Oglesby Hall (FARH)29.2%$38k
Trelease Hall (FARH)27.47%$33k
Energy Advancement CategoryImprovement PercentageCost Avoidance
1. Children’s Research Center34.24%$11k
2. Grainger Engineering Library33.13%$83k
3. Stock Pavilion28.86%$14k
4. Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology24%$118k

2022 ECIP Awards

Occupant Action CategoryImprovement PercentageCost Avoidance
1. Bielfeldt Athletic Administration Building41%$34,794
2. State Farm Center14%$51,472
Energy Advancement CategoryImprovement PercentageCost Avoidance
1. ACES Library, Info. & Alumni Center46%$153,699
2. Natural Resources Studies Annex29%$58,550
3. Illinois Sustainable Technology Center22%$21,970
4. Henry Administration Building19%$72,330

The ECIP awards began in 2013 to recognize outstanding individual and team efforts that move Illinois closer to reaching Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) goals.

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Utilities & Energy Services

Utilities & Energy Services (UES) is continuously upgrading to provide safe, reliable, environmentally compliant, cost-effective energy and other utilities to support campus.