
F&S Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The next F&S Strategic Plan (2024-2028) is being conceptualized, researched, and written to enact tactics that help lead the unit’s direction for the next five years.

Foundational Questions

  • What is already in the works that requires our continued focus?
  • Where does the campus want to be in the next 5 years?
  • What do our customers want from us?
  • What do our employees want from us?

F&S Strategic Planning Committee

Strategic Plan 2024-28 Completion

50 %

  • Plan to Plan
  • Analyze Internal Capacity and External Influences
  • Plan for the Strategic Planning Retreat
  • Strategic Planning Retreat

Strategic Plan 2019-2023

The F&S Strategic Plan “Foundations for the Future” (2019-2023) sets forth the priorities for the unit identifying 10 strategic themes and related objectives that will have a transformative impact across the organization and university.

These efforts align with the “The Next 150” on the Urbana campus and the University of Illinois System’s “Strategic Framework,” which both reinforce the university’s tradition and legacy as a force for public engagement and scholarship aimed at solving societal challenges on a global scale.