Capital Programs
Capital Programs directs the programming, design, and construction of capital projects with more than a $250,000 total project budget at the University of Illinois.

Project Planning and Project Management
Capital Programs manages the project programming phase, site selection process, and procurement of all professional service consultants for design. All projects with costs of $250,000 or more, must receive appropriate campus approval before proceeding with project development or execution. Project Planning assists with this process. At the start of the design phase, the project manager assumes the lead management role and proceeds with the execution of all remaining phases through the completion of the project.
Deferred Maintenance
Lack of funding for routine maintenance to buildings allows minor repair work to evolve into more serious conditions. The Deferred Maintenance program addresses many of these needs, including improved electrical and plumbing systems, ventilation, building envelopes, and interior finishes.
Historic Preservation
Twenty-seven campus buildings and sites are on the National Register of Historic Places with approximately another 60 buildings and 30 sites considered as eligible for listing on the National Register, which includes many structures built before 1970 and sites deemed important to the campus fabric. Guided by its specific preservation objectives, the University of Illinois has adopted a thoughtful planning process for responsible custodianship of its historic resources and preservation of its physical heritage.
Architectural Review Committee
The committee reviews and approves architectural designs and installations for new buildings, additions and alterations to existing buildings, and requests for minor physical changes to campus, including Indoor-outdoor building materials, art and sculpture, temporary facilities, fencing, signage, banners, antennae, and mechanical apparatus.
Landscape Architecture
The university landscape architect strives to create multi-functional campus landscapes, providing campus beautification, outdoor classrooms, passive recreation, stormwater capture, carbon sequestration, and pollinator support.
In addition to these services, Capital Programs works with the Office of the Provost and the University of Illinois Systems Office to manage space allocations in accordance with the Campus Master Plan that guides the development, renovation, and repurposing of facilities and spaces.