Facilities Information Resources (FIR)
Facilities Information Resources (FIR) maintains several large collections containing drawings, maps, data, and other documents related to the university's infrastructure. In offering ready-to-use products, they assist customers in developing custom products and services to meet their needs.

Facilities Information Resources (FIR) maintains several large collections containing drawings, maps, data, and other documents related to the university’s infrastructure. In offering ready-to-use products, they assist customers in developing custom products and services to meet their needs.
Facilities Information Resources Staff
Chad Kupferschmid
Facilities Information Management Coordinator
Direct Phone: (217) 244-0407
Kimberly McLaughlin
Facilities Information Management Specialist
Direct Phone: (217) 300-0143
Justin Pinnell
Geographic Information Systems Specialist
Direct Phone: (217) 333-1105
Beth Leitz
Records & Information Management Specialist
Direct Phone: (217) 244-0750
Brett Thompson
Facilities Information Management Technician
Direct Phone: (217) 244-1318
I am a student or professor who would like to use drawings or other construction data for a class project – how do I request this information?
These requests are governed by the Campus Administrative Manual policy number III-24, “Distribution of Building Plan Documents and Architectural Drawings”.
Follow the instructions in the policy, fill out the appropriate form at the end, and forward as directed on the form to the appropriate contact at the Division of Public Safety (DPS), who will review the request, and then forward approved requests to Facilities Information Resources (FIR) or the affected self-administering unit (Allerton, Business Research Park, University Archives, etc.) for aid in gathering the information requested.
What version of AutoCAD drawings may I submit to FIR?
2017 or earlierCAD Standards are available in the Project Submittal Requirements.
Who do I contact for room number review and assignments?
Kimberly McLaughlin is responsible for reviewing and assigning room numbers for buildings.The room numbering standards are available in the F&S Project Submittal Requirements.
Who do I contact for property code and address assignments?
Kimberly McLaughlin is responsible for assigning property codes to buildings and acquiring addresses.
Who do I contact for GPS data collection services?
Justin Pinnell is responsible for coordinating GPS data collection requests. GPS Mobile: (217) 552-7085
GIS/GPS Mapping
The geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) unit maintains over twenty datasets of infrastructure information containing utility distribution systems, buildings, parking, sidewalks, streets, bike routes, historic features and more. They offer read-to-use map products, data collection and staking services and work directly with customers to develop custom GIS/GPS products or services to meet a specific need.
Justin Pinnell, Geographic Information Systems Specialist
Brett Thompson, Facilities Information Management Technician
Records & Information
The Records & Information unit maintains an extensive collection of building drawings, utilities and campus infrastructure plus thousands of other documents including project manuals, operations & maintenance manuals, project administrative files, and construction submittals such as cut sheets and warranties that are used for construction and maintenance activities.
Beth Leitz, Records & Information Management Specialist