
Job Order Contracting (JOC)

Job Order Contracting (JOC) uses pre-approved and pre-qualified contractors to perform a wide variety of renovation, repair, and minor construction projects. It is not used for new capital construction.

JOC is an appropriate choice when delivery times and the type and quantity of work are well defined. Using contractors familiar with campus enables timely delivery and low overhead cost of construction procurement and execution. See the timeline for a typical JOC project and a JOC process workflow in files on this page. Costs are based on standard pricing and specifications using a published unit price book. 

Benefits of JOC

  • Reduced bidding duration
  • Quick startup
  • Commissioning & Inspection component
  • Known pricing through competitive bidding
  • Smooth change order process to meet customer requirements more quickly
  • Long-term relationship with contractor
  • Performance-based incentive for contractor to maintain and renew contract

Starting a Project

JOC begins with a work request to the Service Office. Customers should specify JOC and provide as much information about the project as possible, including scope and estimates. If it is determined to be the best method of delivery, the project is assigned to the JOC Project Specialist.

Project scoping is not part of the basic contract and is an additional service available through Engineering Services.

General Rules

  • No more than $250,000 per project, including combined services of F&S, Contractor Services, and Job Order Contracting

Related Providers

Construction Services

Construction Services manages construction, remodeling, and renovation projects typically under $250,000. Some projects with costs exceeding that amount are delivered through the department, but these projects require additional approvals.

Engineering Services

Engineering Services comprises four areas: Design Services, Design Review, Commissioning & Inspection, and Division of Responsibility. Together, they provide technical expertise for small and capital construction projects.

Contractor Services

Contractor Services provides campus clients with a "One Stop" program for using the services of contractors.

First-year students gather in State Farm Center for New Student Convocation on Friday, August 18th, 2023.